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Organizing - File Design & Organize
File Design and Organize Service is a service to help you to develop a system in organizing your documentation, when you do not have a system in place yet. I will assist you in creating a file system that will work for you, and whomever else needs to use it. Filing correctly is so important. Imagine having to quickly find documents to send to the IRS, or to a Family Court, but cannot find your documentation (God Forbid).
Using a filing system is essential for keeping things in order. Accurate categories will help you track paperwork easier.

Create A File System
Rename and Label
Color Code
Categorize Accurately
Relocate Documents
Shred Documentation
Contact Iron Mountain For Older Files (For Businesses)
Purchase Better Filing Systems, As Needed
Fireproof Boxes
Waterproof Boxes
Locked File Cabinets
Larger File Cabinets
Other Requests (at Discretion of Increase Your Peace ® Support Services, LLC)
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